Home>>Weighing Meter

YK2105 - type Weighing Controller

Accuracy: better than 0.025%;Dot - matrix Chinese character fluorescent display;Roll - up and pull - down menu modes;Displays instantaneous flow rate, cumulative weight, and overflow alarm status;Can display original parameter values, newly - entered parameter values, and operation - status prompts...


Accuracy: better than 0.025%;

Dot - matrix Chinese character fluorescent display;

Roll - up and pull - down menu modes;

Displays instantaneous flow rate, cumulative weight, and overflow alarm status;

Can display original parameter values, newly - entered parameter values, and operation - status prompts.

YK2105 - type Weighing Indicator

Can display zero point value, tare value, net weight value, A/D conversion digital value, and speed - sensor pulse count;

32 - bit microprocessor with non - volatile memory EPROM. Calibration data entered via the keyboard is stored in CMOSRAM with a backup battery and has a lifespan of ten years;

Alarm and control functions, with sound and light alarm functions and output - control functions;

Touch - type key input, and a dot - matrix digital fluorescent screen can display the input state and prompts;

Analog - signal input: two ranges of 0 - 20mV and 0 - 30mV;

Two - way analog - current output: one - way 4 - 20mA instantaneous - flow - rate output and one - way 4 - 20mA control - current output;

Communication interfaces: RS - 232/RS - 485;

P.I.D Control

Proportion: 5 - 500% proportional band 2. Integration: 0.01 - 10min 3. Differentiation: 0.01 - 10min

P.E.I.C (Periodic Error Integration Control)

Integration: 0.01 - 10min 2. Relay: 1 - 100S

Control circuits: two independent control circuits

Controls the feeding amount 2. Can control other equipment